Changes for page API контроллеров AZ®
Last modified by Max on 2025/03/02 15:18
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... ... @@ -435,13 +435,13 @@ 435 435 == 014: Unmount disk == 436 436 437 437 Command code 014, to unmount the disk, you should reset the controller, send the AZ drive number to the controller DR, which should be unmounted, and send the 014 code to the controller CSR, then wait for the operation to complete (it takes a long time) and check for an error. An error is issued if the drive has not been mounted. 438 -[[ **//пример утилитыAZUMNT//**>>url:]]438 +[[AZUMNT utility example>>url:]] 439 439 440 440 441 -== **015:Начатьпередачусчитанногоблока**==441 +== 015: Start transferring the read block == 442 442 443 - Кодкоманды-015.Получивэтукоманду,контроллернастраиваетсянапословнуювыдачусодержимоготогосамоговстроенногобуферана256слов,которыебудутвыданыпоследовательночерезрегистрDR.Никакихожиданийнетребуется,простопересылаем256разсловоизDRвпоследовательныеячейкипамяти,ивсе.Еслинужноменьше,чем256слов(последнийукороченныйблокфайла),тоостатокможнопростобросить,несчитывая,сбросконтроллеравначалеследующейоперациисброситиэтотостаток.444 -\\ Примерпрограммы:443 +The command code is 015. Having received this command, the controller is configured to output word by word the contents of the same built-in buffer for 256 words, which will be output sequentially through the DR register. No waiting is required, we simply send a word from DR to sequential memory cells 256 times, and that's it. If less than 256 words are needed (the last shortened block of the file), then the remainder can simply be discarded without reading, resetting the controller at the beginning of the next operation will also reset this remainder. 444 +\\Example program: 445 445 446 446 {{code language="assembler"}} 447 447 ;..................................