Changes for page API контроллеров AZ®
Last modified by Max on 2025/03/02 15:18
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... ... @@ -472,10 +472,10 @@ 472 472 To write the opposite way, you first need to transfer the entire data block from the CPU memory to the controller and then issue the command "Write the contents of the buffer to disk" 473 473 474 474 475 -== **016:Принятьблокданныхвбуфер**==475 +== 016: Receive data block into buffer == 476 476 477 - Кодкоманды016.Команданастраиваетконтроллернаприемблокаданныхипомещенииеговбуфер.Следующие256цикловзаписивDRпоместятданные,переданныечерезМПИ,вбуфер.478 -\\ Примерпрограммы.477 +Command code 016. The command sets the controller to receive a block of data and place it in the buffer. The next 256 write cycles to DR will place the data transferred via the QBUS in the buffer. 478 +\\Example program: 479 479 480 480 {{code language="assembler"}} 481 481 ;..................................